Throughout history, nature has influenced many leading thinkers in mathematics, engineering, design and other areas. Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian artist, scientist, engineer. An all-round genius who contributed a lot getting inspired from nature and changed the world. Today, the increase in knowledge and developments in technology along with computer power and simulation modeling, alternatively, made it possible for man to mimic / replicate nature / natural system
My attraction towards the nature
My father is a veterinary officer (a government employee) who has always worked in small villages. I was born and brought up with a lot of animals at home in natural environments away from the city. There was an open air Operation Theater because of which I had no option but to see the animals being operated outside the house. Gradually I started understanding their emotions, body language etc… by gestures / reactions of animals.
Instead of engaging myself in urban life I used to spend my time with nature and animals. Even at home, I have a large number of animals / pets. I have 16 dogs, 2 owls, 2 peacocks, 52 white pigeons, 3 snakes, 1 porcupine, 3 hens, 3 rabbits, 1 kite, 1 eagle, 2 love birds, 3 turtle, 1 monitor lizard etc… (none of them are caged) All the animals have a unique way of understanding and they stay in harmony without ever harming each other. My first experience of catching a snake was when I was at Christ College, Rajkot. Out of curiosity I started following the snake and by myself learnt to catch a snake and then through internet, books and other snake catchers, I further fine-tuned my skills. Thus I was more comfortable with nature and animals instead of studying. I always wanted to do something related to nature. Later I understood
Design is the only field where I can do something related to nature –I was very poor in studies so couldn’t be a scientist.
To explore nature in design decided to study architecture and I got through in A.P.I.E.D. where I came to know about Santiago Calatrava, whose designs and buildings are inspired from nature. I studied his work and also of many other architects and designers which attracted me to the glamorous world of Design.
Invention and Nature
Invention is a creative process. An open and curious mind enables one to see beyond what is known. Seeing a new possibility, a new connection or relationship can spark an invention. Inventive thinking frequently involves combining concepts or elements from different realms that would not normally be put together. Sometimes inventors skip boundaries between distinctly separate territories or fields. Ways of thinking, materials, processes or tools from one realm are used as no one else has imagined in a different realm.
Millions of important inventions happened in past like wheel, paper, gun power, etc…
But each invention has come at some cost to nature.
For a example after invention of paper we cut more and more trees to fulfill our paper need. And today the reality is we lost 60% of forest because of paper manufacture. And we invent paper for what reason? --- To teach our generation how we can destroy our nature fast. (When paper was invented nobody knew that it will be used extensively and will destroy nature at this level.)
To satisfy ambitions, wish, entertainment, luxury etc… we invent OR design something and unconsciously find another way to destroy the nature.
Architecture and Nature
Man was born in nature. First organized settlement was caves – are an in built natural architecture phenomena system nature. Nature provides us with an amazing array of solutions for many problems that we face. Caves developed into mud houses that are another very beautiful example of nature and architecture. Nature has inspired the creative mind throughout history. This creation inspired human to use wood as well as stone, to attain more strength and stability. Stone was not only used in making shelter but also in making house hold utensils and hunting tools.
Later, came the mud bricks followed by burnt bricks that made life better with hard bondage. It gave new dimension to constructions. Advance technology: fired bricks used; but as it’s said “you cannot save ecosystems after you have killed them for making consumer goods.” The production of bricks destroyed the fertilized land and affects nature. Thus from this era onwards, the balance of nature got disturbed.
Humans have evolved both in mind and body. Human needs and greed have had a direct correlation to natural resources depletion.
Invention of RCC gave a freedom to architects to constructs heavy buildings in compact spaces. For that we mine Earth’s natural resources. People now changing/evolving lifestyles. their needs extended to gardens, religious buildings, utility structures, colonies apartments etc…beside just living in their required space of shelter and this in result makes demands from land water, air other resources. And also to improve their standard (house, car, material comforts etc…) of living people invented new technologies and design bigger structures to show their pride for which they need to use more natural resources which in results affected nature’s equilibrium.
Giving an example, we need not go very far, Our College MIT Rajbaug which produces around 150 designers every year is itself built on a 23 acres of forest land which was destroyed to construct this college. Man as intender and ironically we see snakes as intruders into our habitat!! And we complain that reptiles are usually seen in the campus.
Human intelligence together has made living on water possible. An example of human excess is The Palm Islands of Dubai, (Today Dubai has emerged as a global city and a business hub. Although Dubai's economy was built on the oil industry, currently the emirate's model of business, similar to westernized countries, drives it main revenues from tourism, real estate, and financial services. Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events.) Construction in water requires a huge amount of resources and it is also disturbing the nature’s equilibrium on the surface and under water surface. The Palm Jumeirah was created by pouring sand fill onto the 10.5 meter-deep seabed using dredgers. Above sea level, 3 meters of the reclamation were achieved by a dredging technique known as "rain bowing", in which the sand fill was sprayed over the surface of the rising island. Total cost reached US$12.3 billion and maintaining the island is a costly expenditure. Furthermore, there are numerous concerns about the environmental impact of the Palm. As originally constructed, the breakwater was a continuous barrier, but it was realized that by preventing natural tidal movement, the seawater within the Palm was becoming stagnant. The problem was corrected by adding an additional gap in the barrier. As explained in the National Geographic Channel's documentary Impossible Islands, part of its Mega Structures series, the breakwater was subsequently modified to create gaps on either side, allowing tidal movement to
Oxygenate the water within and prevent it stagnating, albeit less efficiently than would be the case if the breakwater did not exist. This same episode addressed the issue of marine life as well, but stated that the breakwater has actually encouraged marine life and that new marine species are moving into the area. They sell their natural rescores and they invest in constructing bigger structures.
But why the hell we spend so much of money to create and solve the problem which was not there at all? Was there any need to design this white elephant?
Always we cannot count our benefits and loses in money only ….. There are so many other things beyond money. Today when we need to save our resources, these extra ordinary designs are consuming more of resources then we need for fulfilling our basic requirements.
Since the resources we need are found all over the world in varying form and quantity, so they are transported through various sources, example water transport. It again pollutes water bodies. Oil leakage from ships, garbage dumped in water bodies etc… are affecting our eco systems. Change in temperature and weather are few examples of increasing global warming.
Industrial revolution - Boon OR Bane?
Hunting tools stone were the first ever design products designed for by humans use. later came wood, mud, clay, iron etc… out of which many products were designed. as the need of human being increase the production of product increased. This resulted into foundation of industrialization where mass production of various products took place. Industrialization was one of man’s greatest achievements in history. Because mass production was now simpler people’s requirement started getting varying. People demanded for verity in design in a single product having same function forgetting about the resources, money and energy we waste behind our unwanted needs.
Not only that – we as human lost our own abilities after some of our invention OR design. And funny part is to hide OR overcome those self generated disabilities we have to invent new things.
For example – just before few years we use to remember our contact numbers in our mind but today we are totally dependent on mobile technology. It’s difficult to imagine life without technology.
Effect on nature - A canary bird has not sung for almost eight months. He was pecking his skin and loosing feathers. The day after his cage was protected against the radiation of a GSM antenna mast at 50 meters distance; the bird started to make noise again and even produced some trills. Ten days after, he sits proudly on his stick and does not lose his feathers anymore.
To make our life “simpler” we invent OR design something and that give birth to another problems.
Can Industrialization ever be green?
It is impossible.
You cannot save a person after you have killed him. You cannot save ecosystems after destroying them for making consumer goods. Once the fuel is consumed it cannot be reproduce again when we make consumer goods we kill resources - directly or indirectly - for making unnecessary things - consumer goods. More destruction of nature takes place when consumer goods are used and discarded.
Industrial Society thinks – “We will save the environment with technology - the best technology. Bring this technology - Bring that technology.” In the meantime production of consumer goods continues - 3 billion people living in cities are continuously engaged in - making, buying and selling of consumer goods - destroying the ecosystems moment by moment. Using plastic bags daily kills ecosystem gradually. Most of the people living in cities like are engaged in a destructive cycle of production of consumer goods, selling of consumer goods, buying of consumer goods. Today 50% of world population is living in cities – and this percentage is increasing day by day.
Provide jobs to all? Provide education to all?
- Oh yes, provide jobs/education to all and very soon the human species will go out of existence. The entire education system is promoting consumerism, extra work, over work, unnecessary work, destructive work. People who are getting education in technology/ engineering.... are engaged in production of consumer goods. People who are getting education in the fields of business, finance, MBA....are directly / indirectly engaged in consumerism.
Imagine if 1000 people entered and started doing work in your home continuously - 24 X 7 - picking up things already lying in the house, breaking them up and making new things out of them without stopping? A similar thing is happening to the planet - 6.8 billion people continuously engaging in work - destroying the ecosystems moment by moment. Man started destroying "extra" after Industrial Revolution. This "extra" destruction has risen exponentially in the last 50 years.
Decelerate Industrial Society.....before it is too late. Relook / reevaluate human development indices..... Before it is too late. Developed nation and under developed Industrial Societies destroys ecosystems at every stage of its functioning - when consumer goods are produced - when consumer goods are used - when consumer goods are discarded/ recycled. Raw material for industry is obtained by cutting up Forests. It is extracted by mining/ digging up the earth. What to speak of Rivers and entire Oceans have been over exploited polluted. Industry therefore kills Water, land and air. When consumer goods are discarded/ thrown away in landfills it again leads to destruction of ecosystems. When consumer goods are recycled, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into air, water and land. Consumer goods are sold/ marketed through a network of millions of kilometers of rail / road network and shipping routes which causes destruction of all ecosystems that come in the way. We are alive because of ecosystems - we owe our very existence to ecosystems. So as a result, do we need to relook and redefine “DEVELOPMENT”?
Developing country like China is “world factory” for developed country likes U.S.A. it uses its own resources and manufactures products for them and in the end it is blamed for increasing carbon footprint. It is also second largest economy after U.S. and before Japan. But how much of this economy growth has actually benefited its average citizen? In terms of quality of life. Thus developed countries are eating under developing countries for their own development therefore developed countries becomes more developed and under developed countries remains under developed.
So are we cursed by Industrialization?
Industrialization has destroyed most ecosystems within a span of 200 to 250 years after Industrial Revolution. We are losing oil, fertile land, forests, clean water, ozone layer, glaciers, other living species, minerals, pure air etc… day by day.
Ecosystems are not consumer goods that can be manufactured, repaired or restored by Multinational Companies in industries and factories. What is most amazing about the issue of sustainability is the fact that modern society is trying to sustain the unsustainable - it is trying to sustain a consumerist system which has existed for almost zero percent of human existence on earth. The present consumerist lifestyle has existed for about 100 years. If we compare this with the total duration of human existence on earth it comes to almost zero percent. Economy is a non-issue. Environment is important. Economy will not even exist without environment. Humans will not even exist without environment.
Modern society has plunged to extreme depths of insanity. Modern society thinks it can be sustainable while it continues producing thousands of consumer goods. Modern society thinks a peaceful world is possible while it continues to sell billions of tones of weapons all over the world. Modern society thinks cancer can be cured while it continues flooding the ecosystems with thousands of carcinogens.
We destroy ecosystems for basic necessities food - for clothing - for shelter - and for thousands of consumer goods. The less we use/ demand- the more sustainable we are. The fewer things we make - the more sustainable we are. On a small planet - earth only a non-consumerist society can be sustainable - only a society that destroys ecosystems for food, clothing, and shelter can be sustainable.
When something goes wrong with our cars, computers and aero planes, we contact the manufacturer to know how they could be repaired - where they could be repaired. All ecosystems on earth are getting destroyed moment by moment. To repair, restore and regenerate them we need to contact the manufacturer. But where is he manufacturer of ecosystems? There is no human manufacturer - There are no multinational Companies that manufactured rivers and oceans, fertile soil, forests, millions of species, millions of members in millions of species, arctic ice and other glaciers. About 30 years ago most people refused to believe that arctic ice was melting or could melt in future. Then satellite pictures started appearing and provided proof with "before and after" pictures. People reluctantly accepted that ice was melting – and are still not alarmed. They said it would take hundreds of years - thousands of years for ice to melt to a dangerous level. If we compare satellite pictures of arctic ice of this year with those taken 30 years ago we would know how alarming the situation is. Every ecosystem is in grave danger. The doomsday scenario is approaching hundreds of times faster than predicted earlier. The signs - the indicators are already there - the recent climate changes - the extreme weather conditions - droughts, floods, fires, hurricanes and typhoons. The collapse has already happened for millions of other species - they have been decimated. Human collapse is very near - just around the corner.
Make things… Sell things…. Buy things…..
this is not the purpose of life. Destroy Shopping Culture. No one deserves more. Everyone deserves less. Life can sustain on earth only when everyone has less.
this is not the purpose of life. Destroy Shopping Culture. No one deserves more. Everyone deserves less. Life can sustain on earth only when everyone has less.
Thus industrialization is curse.
Solutions from nature
Nature cannot be saved by recycling.
The attempt of an industrial society to save the environment by recycling is like shooting someone 10,000 times and then trying to save him by taking out one bullet.
The attempt of an industrial society to save the environment by recycling is like shooting someone 10,000 times and then trying to save him by taking out one bullet.
Nature is a creation of god and god give solution for everything if we try and find. Nature gives solution for live. Everything on this earth created by nature is there for some reason. Food chain is one example of maintaining the equilibrium in atmosphere. We living things are interring dependent on each other.
Scientist has now found a way through trees will provide us architectural solutions. Architecture is now changing for human reason. These solutions are provided from last 2500 years but it’s now coming in existence due to the effects of recent architecture. Architecture is actually growing to live. This technology provides you with a space to live in by controlling tree growth. Fichus is an element that controls growth of plant, the plant is grown with the support of a frame structure which gives proper form to the plant to form a shelter. Landscape are turning into buildings to live in. all these solutions are under construction.
Traditional healers the world over have used natural remedies to cure all sorts of ailments for hundreds of years. But the invention of the drug era changed all that. People began to demand the quick foxes that modern medicine could offer. The problem was that people began to realize that drugs do not cure, they only stop a reaction and they have unwanted side effects. So much so in some cases that there has been a big swing back to more natural remedies to treat numerous health problems and conditions. The importance of vitamins and minerals for optimum health has long been noted by natural health practitioners and medical professionals. People are beginning to see once again the benefits of using Mother Nature’s plants as natural remedies instead of manmade chemicals
There are solutions provided by nature, we just need to come out of the materialistic world and look around with patience.
Opposite view
Many people may not agree with my point of view that we are distorting nature through our great inventions / designs / industrialization. For them nature destroys and creates itself. For them planet is a self correcting system so we are a part of a correction and we might destroyed for the sake of another correction. So the planet is not affected, it’s we the people who are going to be affected.
Past is the answer of future. For me atmosphere repairs itself. Everything has its starting and end limit. Destruction is the beginning of new era. Taking example from past dinosaurs era was destroyed by crash of meteoroid, much civilization died because of natural collapse.
Industrialization and development has a cost global warming is increasing day by day. Today we can observe sudden and violent climate changes across the world.
Our progress is leading towards destruction. Development can never be sustainable. Sustainable and development cannot exist together. If we continue inventing designing things as we are doing today, the day is not far when we will not left with any natural sources on earth. no oil, no water, no soil, no trees, no land, no air, no other animals and therefore no life.
Its high time we take things seriously and save nature, so that nature saves us. Now we need to control our unwanted needs.
I sagar modh have made an attempt at not wasting our natural resources. I wish that you all join me in this practice.